Primary School
Our geography curriculum is designed to ignite and nurture pupil’s curiosity about the world around them, fostering a deep-rooted interest in both their immediate surroundings and the diverse environments across the globe. Through purposeful research and thoughtful questioning, pupils are encouraged to explore the human and physical characteristics that distinguish various places, whether they are local or distant. By investigating these differences, students develop a desire to understand the complexities of our world and appreciate the rich diversity of cultures, landscapes, and ecosystems. Moreover, the curriculum aims to equip pupils with a range of geographical skills that enable them to effectively analyse and present how different places have evolved over time, shaped by both natural processes and human activities. By engaging with real-world examples, students not only gain a deeper understanding of geographical concepts but also develop critical thinking abilities and a global perspective that will serve them well throughout their lives.
At Dersingham, our Geography curriculum is structured to provide pupils with immersive learning experiences throughout the year, allowing them to delve deeply into geographical concepts. In Early Years, understanding the world through geography is an important part of our curriculum. ‘Understanding the World’ encompasses a range of early geographical skills through guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community. By the time pupils reach Year 6, students will have acquired a comprehensive understanding of both local and distant places. To ensure the delivery of exceptional teaching and learning, we have meticulously crafted a series of key concepts that underpin the progressive development of our pupils’ geographical skills and knowledge throughout pupils’ learning journeys. We start with a strong emphasis on the location that they are studying to secure their understanding of where places are in the world and to teach them how the world is divided. The key concepts serve as guiding principles, facilitating the exploration of connections within and between different geographical topics. As the units progress, our focus shifts towards cultivating an understanding of how geography influences the world at large. Through engaging units of study, we guide pupils to recognise and analyse the profound impact geography has on shaping societies, economies, and environments worldwide. Through this structured approach, our curriculum not only fosters a robust understanding of graphical skills, but also cultivates the understanding of thinking about others and how our actions can have adverse or beneficial effects.
We strive for all pupils to achieve their maximum potential, by having high expectations and standards in all geography lessons. Through pupil voice, pupils will be able to engage in discussions about the geographical skills and knowledge they have acquired. By the end of KS2, pupils will have developed contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places; be able to interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs; and will have developed their critical thinking abilities and a global perspective that will serve them well throughout their lives.