Ainsley is our Mathematics Subject Lead. Please contact the school office with any Maths queries and they will pass the message on to Ainsley.
Times Tables
Since the knowledge of multiplication tables is a key aspect of Mathematics, as a school, we subscribe to TTRockstars - to support our children to become fluent in their times tables. Children access the website regularly within school hours but also have access at home.
From last year, a Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) has become compulsory for Year 4 children (current Y3). This is a test of times tables knowledge taken on a computer. Our use of TTRockstars and Numbots will mean our children will already be fully prepared for this check. See below for a parent guide to using the website at home. Please see your child's class teacher if you have any issues logging in.

School to School Partnerships
Dersingham Primary School is proud to foster a collaborative partnership with the Secondary Maths Departments at Little Ilford School and Kingsford Community School. This partnership plays a crucial role in our comprehensive transition to secondary school program. By working closely with the experienced team at both secondary schools, we aim to facilitate a seamless transition for our students from primary to secondary education. The collaboration with the respective Secondary Maths Departments specifically focus on enhancing mathematical skills and knowledge, ensuring that our students embark on their secondary school journey well-prepared and confident in their mathematical abilities. This partnership exemplifies our commitment to providing a supportive and cohesive educational experience for our students as they progress to the next phase of their academic journey.