Primary School
Valuing each others’ similarities and differences is at the core our PSHE curriculum here at Dersingham. Our curriculum aims to help pupils to:
· Achieve their potential by supporting their wellbeing, tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships
· Develop the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves healthy and safe
· Become more tolerant, resilient and respectful of themselves and each other despite their differences
· Prepare for life and work in modern Britain
· Become well-rounded 21st century global citizens.
Our Values curriculum works alongside our PSHE curriculum, making learning purposeful and relevant to pupils so they have a balanced view of the world as a whole and how they, as individuals, can make a difference.
Personal, Social, Health and Economics (PSHE) is woven into the fabric of our curriculum and school life. Individual lessons are taught weekly and themes are reinforced throughout each term in whole school assemblies, celebrations and collective worship time. In lessons, key vocabulary and real-life examples are used to encourage discussion and problem solving. Teachers model the skills of emotional literacy and demonstrate principled, open-minded views. Effective questioning by teachers continually supports the development of opinions and self-esteem, in a safe and supportive environment.
PSHE and RSHE are taught through the SCARF curriculum. The SCARF curriculum has 6 core learning units: Me and my relationships, Valuing Differences, Keeping Myself Safe, Rights and Responsibilities, Being my Best and Growing and Changing. This curriculum is linked to the National Curriculum expectations for PSHE
- Impact
At the end of each key stage, our pupils emerge as engaged learners who confidently express themselves and embrace diversity within our school community and beyond. Our school is a beacon for celebrating differences and fostering a culture of equality. Pupils exhibit enhanced emotional awareness, increased tolerance and the ability to discern what constitutes a healthy relationship. The promotion of citizenship through PSHE empowers our children to make constructive contributions, equipping them with the knowledge and experiences required to assert their rights and comprehend their responsibilities. This prepares them for the complexities and possibilities of adulthood and the professional world.