Staff's Approach to Behaviour Management - Staff treat all children fairly and apply our behaviour policy consistently. Pupils are encouraged to make positive behaviour choices and understand the consequences of their actions. The school actively addresses and discourages unacceptable behaviour, while also acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviour.
Weekly Achievement Assembly celebrating our TEACH values - Every Friday, an achievement assembly is held, where exemplary behaviour around our TEACH values is highlighted. These certificates are awarded to pupils who have demonstrated positive behaviour within the 5 areas. This practice not only provides instant recognition for their actions, but also helps them consistently embody and exemplify our school values.
Consistent Schoolwide Behaviour Management - To ensure a consistent approach to managing unacceptable behaviour, our school employs a behaviour flowchart, shown below, which outlines the step levels for addressing such behaviours.

Trackit lights - At Dersingham, we use the Trackit Lights behaviour tracking system for tracking and logging behaviour. This system helps support and create a positive classroom culture. It is engaging and enjoyable for all pupils, and as a result, they respond well to it. Staff members have the flexibility to log behaviour using any device, which ensures that behavioural standards can be rigorously addressed, monitored, and maintained. Certificates are automatically generated when a pupil reaches a points threshold and these are awarded in the Friday achievement assembly.
Our Teach Values - At Dersingham, we are guided by a set of core values that shape our community. These values are embedded within every aspect of our educational experience, ensuring a positive and enriching environment for all our pupils
1. Thoughtfulness
Everyone in our school strives to think before acting. We are always mindful of what we might be overlooking in any given situation, consider different perspectives, and reflect on our own actions.
2. Excellence
Excellence is at the heart of everything we do. Our school is committed to consistently achieving the highest standards in both academic and non-academic pursuits.
3. Accountability
We firmly believe in holding ourselves accountable for our actions. If we fall short of our own standards, we take responsibility, learn from our mistakes, and continuously strive to improve ourselves.
4. Community-Minded
Our school serves as a central hub for our community. We warmly welcome community members to share their skills and knowledge within our school. Additionally, we actively seek opportunities to contribute to the betterment of our local community through acts of good citizenship and knowledge exchange.
5. Humility
We embrace humility both in success and failure. We recognise that our personal achievements are built upon the collective efforts of everyone involved in our school. We understand that we stand on the shoulders of giants, and this humbles us.